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The Vagina Monologues

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

The Vagina Monologues: 3-6-20

The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Eve Ensler. The play showed many different female voices that are all dealing with similar issues but are also dealing with different things. The women of the play included a six year old girl, an old lady, a vagina workshop attendee, a woman witnessing birth, a rape survivor, and a feminist that found a man that wasn’t afraid to look at “it.” The play that the school put on at the Noah Recital Hall was funnier than expected and a little more R rated than expected. The actresses were amazing and the play was wonderfully produced.

Throughout our course we have talked about the differences between women and men. We have talked many times about the things that women have to endure in society and the play spoke all about the things that women face on a daily basis. We talked with Women and Berlin and the video of the women pilots about how life was harder for them and they had to deal with so much adversity everyday. The play pointed out the things that women have to deal with on a daily basis. It showed birth, rape, women not knowing their vagina, and men not actually liking to see women’s vaginas. These are everyday things that happen and that women deal with and The Vagina Monologues points them out in a funny and entertaining way.

After watching The Vagina Monologues I learned how important it is for women to own their vaginas and to own the daily things that they struggle with. The women in the play didn’t hide from their struggles, they owned them and used them to make them stronger. The women were bold and owned their rape, they owned their birth, and they took what they needed, even if that was a man who actually liked to look at their vagina. I learned that women deal with so much with some of that struggle being with their own body. Learning this made me realize that women already face so much outside of ourselves so we should learn to be comfortable and proud of ourselves.


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