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GC Writeup

What Men Want

2019 Film

A hard-driven woman, Ali Davis, is faced with the reality of what it is like to work with an environment full of men. She is a sports agent who is very dedicated and strives for perfection by doing more work than the men. With her hard work and passion, she deserved the promotion, but it was given to a man. In the movie, she drinks a beverage that gives her the ability to hear men’s thoughts. By being in an environment where men degrade her and feel like they deserve better than her just because they “understand” sports more, pushes her to get Jamal Berry, a basketball star. Due to the new superpower she has, she is able to read not only coworkers minds, but clients minds and do what is best for the company.

This course has helped me visualize how men continue to do actions that degrade women. By having a “men’s poker night” or something similar, singles out the women. It has also opened my eyes to see how places like school and work can affect how women view themselves. With the help of this course, I have been able to speak up about what I believe in and see what is wrong with certain things and give ideas on how to make it better.

This movie has shown me how to stand up for myself and to never stop believing in myself. It taught me to take the obstacles thrown at me and use them as fuel to work my hardest. Although men may have it easier in some cases, it is important to remember that women are just as important. This film is great because it takes a young, professional black woman and shows what women go through in today’s society.


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