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GC Event Write Up

The Vagina Monologues 3/6/2020

The Vagina Monologues is a play by Eve Ensler. It explores stories by women of consensual and nonconsensual sexual experiences, body images, body functions, sex work, and more. These are experiences told by women of all ages, races and sexualities. The event was in Max Noah Recital Hall, a building I had never been in before. It was very funny and entertaining than I was expecting.

It helped me understand and think about things I probably would not have thought about otherwise. The scene about shaving was something I had never really thought about. I know not everyone likes to shave their vagina, but I had no idea that it was such a thing. I especially had no idea that men really cared so much about whether you shaved or not however, I guess I should not be surprised. The fact that this woman talk in therapy about this truly speaks volume. And the fact that she allowed her partner to shave her himself if he wanted it so bad.

I took away that I am not the only one who struggles with somethings and that I am lucky to not struggle or experience other things. I think it was very inspirational that these stories are being shard because I think it is important for all these topics to be shown light. It is so much more than the sexual aspect of the vagina and it should be talked about more.


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