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"Heathers the Musical"

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

2/20/2020 “Heathers the Musical”

I attended “Heathers the Musical” at the Russell Auditorium on Thursday night. I had been wondering if the musical would match the actual movie or not and I shortly found out that the musical did pretty much match. The musical followed along with the inner thoughts of the main character, Veronica. Veronica started off as one of the outer-circle students but was shortly adopted into the popular girl group because of her ability to imitate other people's handwriting. As the musical went on, we saw that she did not always use her talent for good as she used it write suicide notes for the people that she helped murder. The musical goes on and without fully ruining the ending for others, we see that her morals come out and she ends up saving a lot of people. There were some things that surprised me about the musical like how the actors and actresses in the musical did not really look like the actors and actresses in the movie and how the musical also was almost purely music and songs unlike other musicals that I have seen had at least somewhat more speaking than this one.

The course helped me because I saw in the musical how people don’t necessarily react how we sometimes expect, which is kind of what we have talked about in our Sex and Resistance class. We have been reading the “Woman in Berlin” book where the main character has handled things differently than a lot of people would or would expect. She doesn’t respond to death how some would normally. The main character in “Heathers the Musical” also doesn’t respond to death how many would (at least she doesn't originally). The course helped me make this comparison where I otherwise would have been unable to.

From this event I learned multiple things. Despite what I previously thought, I learned that musicals that are inspired by movies do not always have to match the way the actors and actresses look in the movie to the way they look in the musical. I also learned that things that you normally would not think compare to other things (Like Heathers and the Woman in Berlin) because they are unique, can actually still relate and compare to things.


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