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GC Writeup

Voting In Equality @Georgia College

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

This event was hosted by some of the representatives of Pride, Women’s Action Collective and Bobcats Vote at The Hub. These women spoke about the 2020 candidates and informed the audience what all the presidential candidates offer. A powerpoint was shown and talked about the Democratic candidates and Republican candidates, emphasizing the pros and their vision for the country. During this session, a small interactive game was played to show what the majority believe in when it comes to women’s rights. This event also went into detail about what policies the candidates believe in and what change they want to see for women.

By taking Sex and Resistance, it helped open my eyes to issues women face nationally. By listening to what the presidential candidates offer in this event, it was easy to tie strings to what women deserve and which candidate offers the best help for everyone. This course has helped me view how women are viewed and how not much has changed over the years. Although there are more positive changes, it is not the advancement women deserve. By attending this event, it helped show who we should support and vote for.

This event was helpful in teaching me what resources to use when looking up the candidates and seeing what they all offer. If a website is against one person, the information will be biased and you will not get the information you need. In order to bring the nation together and help others get the rights they deserve, it is important to do your part and do research for candidates and vote. After attending this event I became more aware of what all the candidates offer and what changes they want to see.


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