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VH Scholarly Article - "Beyond the Pussy Hats"

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Nasty Women- "Beyond the Pussy Hats" by Kathy Pollitt

In the book Nasty Women, writer Kathy Pollitt discusses the how abortion laws in America after the 1973 Roe v. Wade case changed and how “reproductive rights are at risk.” Ever since 2010, Republicans took over state and federal elections and have placed many laws affecting women wanting abortions; which has resulted in women becoming more in danger. These laws cause abortions to become less available to those in need due to clinics being forced to shut down. Once Donald Trump became president in 2016, he began to put in place anti-choice ideas that evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics supported. President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, a man who supports Trump’s point of view of abortions and restricting availability of birth control. Due to so many families being affected by these new laws, many new activists and lawyers have taken a strong stand in the reproduction rights movement, allowing more creative and enthusiastic views. Although people who are pro-choice and care about these abortion rights, they were conflicted with lower taxes and gun rights which took a toll on the reproductive rights. Kathy Pollitt concludes this essay by talking about ways to help clinics and Planned Parenthood. Ways to support include donating to abortion funds, volunteer at local clinics, speak up about experiences, get involved in local politics, and fight for our reproductive rights.

By reading this essay, the details and will to fight for reproductive rights for women shines through and gives power to activists. By Pollitt expanding over this sensitive yet complex topic, she gives the readers a deeper understanding of the things going on in politics in America. By listing ways of how to get involved, she elaborates on simple tasks feminists and women can do to help our rights. One of the ways to help is by donating to NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and donating to abortion funds. These funds are “volunteer groups that raise money to help low-income women in their state or area pay for their abortion care and related costs” (Pollitt 71). With these funds, women are helped with arrangements, not just the fees. Another way to help women and get your voice out, is to get involved in local politics. Pollitt lays out ideas that include “getting active in local Democratic clubs”, joining pro-choice denomination churches and putting “money in a collection plate”, and looking at “what kind of sex education your kids are getting” (73). Issues like churches being anti-abortion and schools possibly being Christian-conservative therefore not being fact based, are simple changes one can make. By being involved in politics, one will become more determined in seeing change and speaking up about what should be done. The reproductive rights movement is progressing forward as more people join, showing that “legal and accessible abortion is not ‘identity politics’, it is ‘health care’” and women should be able to stand up for war against women’s rights (75).

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