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How We All Lose

How We All Lose is an essay by Roxane Gay. In this essay, Gay examines The End of Men And the Rise of Women by Hanna Rosin. Gay talks about how it is wonderful that women have made strides to equality throughout the years, but we are still not equal. Gay talks about different types of rape people believe. She finds these new definitions of rape strange. Gay shows us examples of how women and people of color are setback. Things including white men being the only ones given job opportunities and a conservative Catholic organization publishing a list of reasons not to send your daughters to college. Gay claims women are marginalized. Women are not represented in high class jobs, no female president in the US and only 4% of CEOs being women. Gay questions why women are not put in the same positions as men. She later talks about race and how people turn an eye to racism. Gay wonders why we are interested in other cultures if they do not have anything to do with you.

Since the start of women’s protest, we have come a long way, but we are not quite there yet. Still in the year 2020 women are still being under paid and treated unequally. There are lies and cheats to make women feel equal or seem equal that our society thinks are okay. “There’s also blatantly in-correct information like the suggestion that women compose a third of Congress. Women represent 18.3 percent of the 535 seats in the 113th Congress.” Why would they lie about this? They gain no benefit in lying about how many women are in Congress. Is it because they are ashamed that they do not have many women in Congress? Of course, their comeback would probably be that women are not interested in being in Congress. However, that could not be further from the truth. They are just not getting elected. Whether it be because of political views, race, or gender they are not being elected. This goes into Gays talk about race and culture, “Western opinions on the hijab or burkas are rather irrelevant.” Nobodies opinion matters but the people who are in that particular group. Why would they? You are not a part of it so how does it affect you? It doesn’t, it is so baffling that people have such an opinion about how others live their lives. It is not your life, so you do not have a say in the matter. NH

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