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Reset the Table Live Series, Ep. 2

Reset the Table is a series done by the company Re-Inc, a purposeful lifestyle brand. Re-Inc was founded by four World Cup champions, Megan Rapinoe, Tobin Heath, Christen Press, and Meghan Klingenberg. To them Re means “again but better.” Their goal with the company is to redefine the status quo. The Reset the Table events are typically a gathering of about twenty people to talk about how we can reimagine and reinvent the status quo. Due to Covid-19 these events have turned into live streams on Instagram. This live stream in particular features Megan Rapinoe and Glennon Doyle. Each event starts with a brief meditation to let that little bit of tension out before diving into the conversation. Megan and Glennon talk about belonging and fitting into labels. Before the Coronavirus outbreak, Glennon was just starting her book tour. After one day of book tour she had to cancel it. She is now having to reimagine her book tour. We have this need to belong to a group, we have to give up most of this to get that. To keep our belonging is to not step out of line. We need to come up with a new definition of belonging. “You’re required to bring your whole self to the table and be both held by the group and free to bring my individual self.”

Re-Inc wants to reimagine how we live in society. Without people fighting against and resisting the status quo how can we change anything? “We don’t change status quo unless people bring things to the table to challenge it.” We cannot do anything unless we resist and fight for the things we are passionate about. We need to have places to talk about how we can change the status quo. “How do we create spaces where people feel like they belong, and they feel like they can bring their ideas and it’s still a safe space while still challenging people to do a little bit more” We need to have these conversations so we can create this space that is not judgmental or structured. Structure drags us down because we have to fit into these categories. But what if we don’t fit? “There is nothing to crazy, there is nothing too wild, there is nothing that is outside the box” Not fitting in is not crazy, wild, or outside of the box. No one fits in we are not conformed to the structures built around us. We have been trying to fit in our whole lives but what if we just stop for one minute and think about why we are doing it. Is it worth it to be stuck in these walls? NH

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