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Serial Killer: L.I.S.K.

Crime Junkie Podcast (2018)

The Crime Junkie podcast is done by Ashley Flowers and Brit and focuses on true crime like murders, kidnapping, and serial killers. They did a podcast episode on the Long Island Serial Killer called “Serial Killer: L. I. S. K..” The case starts in May 2010 with Shannan Gilbert. Shannan was a sex worker who was on Long Island with her driver and a John named Joe Brewer. Later in the night, Shannan Gilbert freaks out for some reason, unbeknownst to us, and places a call to 911. There are quite a few events that happen next: she runs from house to house yelling “they are going to kill me,” a neighbor tries to calm her down, she runs off, and the police take an excessive amount of time to get to the gated neighborhood. The rest of the podcast follows what the police do to find Shannan Gilbert and what that search leads to. We find out that while the police start looking for Shannan they uncover more bodies of previously missing prostitutes and then eventually even more bodies. The podcast goes into how there may have been two killers who put their victims in that area because of the different victim profiles and the different way they were hidden. This podcast is similar to the movie “Lost Girls” in that they both talk about the Long Island Serial Killer but the podcast focuses a little bit more on the facts and forensics of the case.

This serial killer, the one who killed the Gilgo Four and possibly Shannan Gilbert (not the one with a different murder profile), seemed to target sex workers because they are easy targets. Sex workers are notoriously easy targets because they normally don’t have many people who actively care about them and know where they are. They are also easy targets because police don’t seem to care too much about them. If you watch the movie “Lost Girls” it makes it look like the police are negligent, incompetant, and like they don’t care too much about finding a prostitute. The podcast takes out a little bit of the bias and explains some of the police things that the movie shows but that doesn’t mean that the police still didn’t drag their feet some on looking for a missing sex worker. Sex workers are humans too and should be treated as such. If they go missing, they should incite just as much effort to find them as if they were a school teacher. If they are killed, police should still put effort into finding the murderer. Sex workers are people too and even though female sex workers have a crazy high homicide rate, there is hardly any protection for them. The homicide rate for female sex workers in the United States is about 204 to every 100,000 which is much higher than the next most dangerous job. If there wasn’t a want for sex workers, they wouldn’t be a thing so as long as they are wanted and the job exists, they deserve respect and protections.


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