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Ocean's 8

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

Ocean’s 8 (2018)

Ocean’s 8 is part of the Ocean’s movie franchise and was originally made to add some diversity into the franchise. The movie and its all-female cast ended up doing better than expected and breaking a record by bringing in the highest opening weekend revenue for the franchise. In the movie, we see Sandra Bullock’s character, Debbie, released from prison and set to achieve the heist of the century by stealing a $150,000,000 diamond Cartier necklace off of Anne Hathaway’s character at the Met Ball. She assembles her crew of choice consisting of many different personalities and many different skills. The crew consists of actresses Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson, Awkwafina, Helena Bonham Carter and eventually Anne Hathaway. Each member had their own key role in the heist and in the end, the heist was successful. The girls didn’t get caught, they managed to steal the $150,000,000 necklace, Debbie got revenge on her ex-boyfriend, and they even stole more diamond necklaces. The crew was supposed to end the heist with 16.5 million dollars in each of their bank accounts but actually ended with over 30 million dollars each. The movie was so important in cinematic history because it showed that an all-female cast can still bring in big money to the box office which was important because top films with women leads are uncommon in the movie industry.

This movie was a big step forward for the movie industry because it featured an all female cast which is uncommon for the industry. Originally, I was interested in the movie because of all the famous actresses that were in it but once I actually began watching it, I got hooked and wanted to see how the heist would end. I also enjoyed the subtle instances where we see women chosen over guys and women showing some deviation from gender norms. When Debbie and Lou are choosing some members for the crew, Lou holds up a picture of a guy and Debbie says no because “a him gets noticed, a her gets ignored.” I thought this was funny because it was just a small dig at how women are treated in today’s world. We also see Constance teaching Amita how to use Tinder and Constance acting how most men on Tinder act, showing some deviation from female gender norms. One of my favorite parts of the movie is one you have to pay close attention to or else you might miss it. I loved when the team replaced the classic Washington Crossing the Delaware painting with an all-female version. It was cool to see a cast of all-women who were all so unique and who showed such different personalities. We see the strong leader, the girly girl, the tom boy, the one struggling with her culture norms, and so many others. Overall, the movie was star-studded and a fun movie to watch, I would encourage everyone to watch it.


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