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Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde is a movie about Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, who wants nothing more than to marry her boyfriend, Warner, and become Mrs. Warner Huntington III. He ends up breaking up with her because she is too blonde and girly and unambitious right before leaving for Harvard law school. Elle becomes determined to get into Harvard to win him back. She succeeds in getting in thanks to a very unique entrance video and to the college wanting to diversify their student body. Elle gets to Harvard and realizes that Warner now has a fiancé and that law school is not as easy as she originally thought. She struggles to make friends as well because everyone thinks she is just a west coast, pink loving, dumb, girly girl. Elle struggles through everyone not believing that she is smart enough but eventually proves them wrong by doing better and improving in her classes. She ends up beating half of the class and getting a fellowship with one of her teachers where she faces more struggles that have to do with her looks. She ends up becoming the main lawyer on one of the cases and winning for her client. The movie ends with Elle graduating as valedictorian and overcoming everyone’s original opinions and doubts about her.

I have grown up watching this movie and have always enjoyed it because to me it showed that with enough motivation and determination then you can do whatever you put your mind to. Elle Woods challenged stereotypes all throughout the movie. Elle fights against her stereotype of being a “dumb blonde” and against multiple counts of sexism and criticism. Elle uses criticism to motivate her and allow her to continue to move forward. Elle also has a strong sense of self. Despite all of the criticism that she received, she never changed herself or conformed to other people’s opinions. Her sense of self allows her to battle what other people think and allows her to overcome the misogyny and sexism that she faces. Elle shows that if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. In the movie you can also see that Elle would be a part of what is today called the Time’s Up Movement. Later in the movie we see Elle’s professor act in a sexually inappropriate way and say that if Elle wants to become a lawyer then she will need to do certain things and cross certain boundaries. Elle immediately leaves the room and contemplates leaving Harvard. She realized that she was only selected for the fellowship because of the way that she looks. Elle ends up staying and being hired as head lawyer after one of the fellowship clients fires the professor for how he treated Elle. Elle goes on to win the case and all of this shows that sexual harassment has no place in the professional workplace. The movie as a whole showed that being yourself despite what others think is better than conforming, that you should always stand up for yourself, and that stereotypes mean nothing as long as you stand by yourself.


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