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Invisibility is Not the Superpower We Want

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

The Hidden Women of STEM | Alexis Scott

In the Ted Talk, Alexis Scott talks about the hidden women figures in the STEM field and what people can do to change this invisibility. Many women in this workforce feel unappreciated and undervalued for their knowledge and skills. She explains how men have laughed and thought her ability to be a math professor was a joke. At the time, she laughed with them thinking little of it, however she did not realize this situation would follow her throughout her career. The group of men causing her to feel like she was not worthy not only affected her at the time, but stuck with her as time passed. Scott later on says that she had to “yell to be seen” by her other colleagues. It seems to be more common that women have to work harder and do more to be seen as intelligent and dependable. The movie “Hidden Figures” is referenced because it shows how women working for NASA have been overlooked due to race and gender, however, towards the end of the movie the other workers begin to realize what an importance these strong women bring to the team. Films like this show how women are and always have been important in the growth of our country and how we should not let men undermine us.

By looking at the figures used for this Ted Talk, it is easy to say that girls do not typically go for jobs in the STEM field because they feel inferior since women are not portrayed as often as men in STEM and when they are, they are not shown as equal successors as men in STEM. She explains how many women feel this invisibility in their workplace and the only way to break this curse, is to be bold. Women need to embrace their intelligence and not let anyone undermine it. Failure and recognition should not be feared for because by this, we learn how to improve or how to stand out. By listening to this video, I was able to think about situations that have happened to me throughout my life and how I can stand up for myself. By not letting men get to my head and letting the negative comments of other students or professors make me think less of myself, I believe women should use this as fuel to fire the change we deserve. People should not be viewed as less or insignificant just because of gender or race so because of this, people should begin to stand up and fight to make a difference in the world.


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