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Updated: Apr 16, 2020

I’M A WOMAN, VOTE FOR ME/Samhita Mukhopadhyay/2017

This essay by Samhita Mukhopadhyay is from the book Nasty Women, a collection of essays written by eight women about identity politics, class, and race. The title of the book is based on a quote from Trump during a presidential debate where he called Clinton a “nasty woman”. The title of the essay is based on a quote from Burnie Sanders. This essay in particular focuses on identity politics. Trump ran his campaign on white identity and anxiety, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. While Clinton, and most liberals, was more general with her campaign. This was one of the issues that hurt her the most along with just being a woman running for president. This essay goes into detail of the issues surrounding Clinton's campaign and loss. Clinton focused on what she thought was safe for her to win the election as a woman. While Trump focused on his people even though he was completely unprofessional through the whole campaign. Explaining failures of exit polls and comparing the two candidates and media critiques of Clinton herself completely ignoring the issues with Trump. The essay says that Clinton may have lost by electoral college but she won by popular vote.

Clinton losing the election was not only a loss for her but a loss for feminism. She lost to Trump, a known misogynist. Women not only across the nation but also around the world were fearing their life. However, it was like she was the only one the media cared about. Even though several questionable allegations and actions were being said by others and by Trump himself. He was caught on record lying multiple times including about his own tax plan. Trump never disclosed his tax returns making him the only majority party nominee to not disclose in history. He had no respect for others and would say things that would make you think “did he really just say that?” Yet, no one seemed to care that Trump was too unprofessional for the presidential spot. If Clinton had won in 2016, that would have been revolutionary and she would have made American History as the first female president. Although she won the popular vote by almost three million she still lost by electoral college. So the people wanted Clinton yet, they got Trump. We are now in 2020. I would like to know how many voters still stand by their vote.


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